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News Wednesday, Aug 1 2018

#NannyGate: American Bridge Statement on Inspector Clouseau…er… Walker Stapleton’s Nanny Scandal

Aug 01, 2018

American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson released the following statement on news that Connecticut blueblood Walker Stapleton tried to frame one of his nannies for stealing his underwear and a child’s sippy cup:

“‘Treasurer’ Stapleton is supposed to be a watchdog of Colorado tax dollars, but he misplaced cash in his own house in some harebrained scheme to frame his nanny for stealing his underwear. This scandal is creepy, but more importantly calls into question yet again Walker Stapleton’s basic competence. If he can’t keep track of his own cash, he has no business being Colorado’s State Treasurer, much less its next Governor.”


Read the Colorado Times Recorder story that broke the Stapleton nanny scandal here.

Published: Aug 1, 2018

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