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AB Leadership Friday, Jan 6 2012

MSNBC: Pro-Obama Super PACs Hit Romney For Own 'Solyndra'

Jan 06, 2012

On January 5, 2012, MSNBC’s First Read reported:

A video produced by American Bridge, called “Romney’s energy loan hypocrisy,” hits Romney for loans made while he was governor of Massachusetts to two companies that eventually failed or moved away – and had ties to Romney campaign donors.


Citing a Boston Herald piece from December, Priorities USA Action pens a memo, stating: “When Romney was Governor of Massachusetts, ‘the state handed out $4.5 million in loans to two firms run by his campaign donors that have since defaulted, leaving taxpayers holding the bag.’ Romney lured one of the companies to Massachusetts by offering a direct loan from the state and his Administration bragged about using government loans to attract business.”

Read the whole article here.

Published: Jan 6, 2012

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