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Tuesday, Jan 24 2023

MSNBC: AB21 Co-Chair Cecile Richards Joins Nicolle Wallace To Discuss Abortion Rights

Jan 24, 2023

Yesterday, American Bridge Co-Chair and former President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards joined Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC to discuss the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, anti-abortion protests over the weekend, and Republican attacks on reproductive rights. Richards highlighted the fact that Republicans lost several races in November because they were out of step with voters on abortion.

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, American Bridge 21st Century took immediate action by launching – a website with information on Republican candidates’ anti-abortion positions and actions. is continuously updated by American Bridge researchers with the dangerous and extreme anti-abortion stances taken by Republicans up and down the ballot. 


“It’s not that they didn’t hear what voters said in November where, of course, races were decided all across the country on this issue, it’s that they decided they just simply don’t care,” said Cecile Richards. “And I think what’s interesting politically is, of course, this is animated not only women, but young people, men, independent voters. We saw so many people who left the Republican Party over this issue.”

Published: Jan 24, 2023

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