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Thursday, Oct 1 2015

…More Like Rand Stall

Oct 01, 2015

“By no means am I finished,” Rand Paul told CNN this week, “I’m just getting started.”

“Getting started,” sure — his Senate reelection campaign, maybe. Senator Paul can protest all he wants, but The Hill reports he’s taking time off the campaign trail to shift “his attention to fundraising for his Senate reelection efforts,” and his home-state Lexington Herald-Leader is running headlines like: “Death watch underway for Rand Paul’s presidential campaign.”

Rand Paul’s polling at two percent and it recently became public information that one of the three super PACs supporting his candidacy “has stopped raising money for him,” because the PAC’s head doesn’t “want to raise money for a futile crusade,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Things aren’t exactly “going well” for him.

Here are some headlines on the two-percent flop’s fall from contention:

Lexington Herald-Leader: Analysis: Death watch underway for Rand Paul’s presidential campaign

Wall Street Journal: Super PAC Backing Rand Paul Bails; Head Cites ‘Futile Crusade’

Politico: Rand Paul super PAC goes dark

The Hill: Paul takes break to raise funds for Senate campaign

ABC News: More Trouble Brewing for Rand Paul Super PACs?

Wall Street Journal: Poll Shows Why Rand Paul Is in Danger of Becoming an Also-Ran

MSNBC: Why Rand Paul’s shift in focus matters

Published: Oct 1, 2015

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