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Thursday, Feb 25 2016

Months Later, Rubio & Cruz Still Chasing Trump Rightward On Immigration

Feb 25, 2016

Donald Trump at tonight’s CNN debate made sure everyone knows that the far-right swing for every Republican running for president, opposing a path to citizenship and ending President Obama’s protections for DREAMers, came because of him.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have for months worked to prove that they’re as anti-immigrant as Donald Trump. They’ve co-opted Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric and policy positions, and on some issues have bafflingly even sought to run to his right. And when they do it, Trump comes right back and says, “No, I’m worse than they are.” Don’t bother trying to distinguish between these xenophobic clowns on immigration, it’s a waste of time.

In the last ten days alone, Ted Cruz has pledged to use Immigration and Customs Enforcement to forcibly deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, and Marco Rubio has promised to end DACA on day one. After months of the same xenophobic talking points, it’s become dangerously easy to become desensitized to Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP field’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies. But that’s a mistake, because it is serious, hateful, and wrong.

Published: Feb 25, 2016

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