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Friday, Dec 2 2011

Mediaite: Wait, What? OJ Simpson Featured In New Anti Mitt Romney Ad

Dec 02, 2011

On December 2, 2011, Mediaite reported:

With the ascension of Newt Gingrich to the top of the GOP presidential field, perennial silver medalistMitt Romney has recently sought to contrast himself with the former House Speaker by casting himself as a political outsider, resurrecting a long-running theme. A new ad from American Bridge PAC torpedoes that notion, in hilarious fashion, with a Proustian collection of clips from the start of Romney’s political career, including that iconic slow-speed chase.


That parting shot highlights the unusual nature of the ad. While most attack ads are about policy positions and/or statements the candidate has made, this one is really about only one thing: 1994. Sticking to that theme by recreating the vibe, rather than stringing together a bunch of Romney’s 1994 policy positions, makes the ad particularly effective at achieving its goal, which is to put Romney squarely next to Newt Gingrich as a career politician.


Obviously, Newt Gingrich has been around longer, but Romney’s protestations about not being a politician actually highlight another key difference between the two. They both have many years of political experience, but as Romney points out, he only held office for four years. A much greater proportion of his experience is in electoral politics, not governing politics. For all of his faults, Newt Gingrich has much more experience doing the job, as opposed to Romney, who has much more experience at trying to get the job.

See the full story here

Published: Dec 2, 2011

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