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Friday, Jul 17 2015

McCain Would Be Top Of Trump's Burn Book

Jul 17, 2015

If Donald Trump has a burn book, John McCain’s name is at the top. The GOP drama continues as Donald Trump maturely takes to Twitter to call McCain names and then gets turned down by a Republican he hoped would challenge the Arizona senator. 

The #DonaldDrama started as he cyber bullied Sen. McCain, calling him a dummy and tweeting that he hopes McCain loses the Republican Senate nomination.  #DonaldDrama continued when he met up with a potential candidate in his Boeing 757. Ultimately, Trump tried and failed to recruit Arizona Treasurer Jeff DeWit to challenge McCain. 

While we agree that McCain isn’t right for Arizona, our reasons have less to do with #DonaldDrama. But we can’t help but watch.

The meeting was private, but not closed to the press — the Donald made sure to stick it to McCain. Read the story here:

Published: Jul 17, 2015

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