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Thursday, Mar 14 2019

Where does Martha McSally stand on Arizona’s new junk insurance plans?

Mar 14, 2019

Arizona’s Republican governor signed a bill into law this week allowing insurance companies to offer plans exempt from the ACA’s pre-existing condition protections — which could lead Arizonans suffering from cancer or diabetes to be dropped by their insurance at a moment’s notice. Watch one Arizona mother talk about her daughter’s pre-existing condition here.

As a failed Senate candidate in 2018, Martha McSally falsely claimed she was “leading the fight” to force insurers to cover pre-existing conditions — then turned around and voted to confirm Chad Readler, a key player in Trump’s efforts to gut the ACA, to the Circuit Court.

McSally is no stranger to flip-flopping, but Arizonans deserve to know what their Senator is doing to keep her campaign promises on pre-existing conditions. Where does Martha McSally stand on Arizona’s new junk insurance plans?

Published: Mar 14, 2019

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