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Wednesday, Feb 10 2021

Mark Walker, Who Voted Against VAWA, Endorsed by Alleged Sexual Predator Madison Cawthorn

Feb 10, 2021

Walker has a history of voting against domestic violence protections and making degrading comments about female colleagues

Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn endorsed Mark Walker’s North Carolina Senate campaign today. Both politicians have troubling records when it comes to respecting women and protecting them from domestic violence. Cawthorn has faced multiple accusations of sexual assault, while Walker voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Walker also drew headlines when he made degrading comments about his female colleagues. Walker’s comments about his colleagues clearly fall under anyone’s definition of sexual harassment, putting him and Cawthorn in similar company when it comes to respecting women. 

“Add the endorsement from an alleged sexual predator to the long list of reasons why Mark Walker can’t be trusted to protect North Carolina women,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Mark Walker voted against the Violence Against Women Act and made disgusting comments about the women he works with. It’s unfortunately not surprising a politician with a history of voting against protecting women from violence would tout the endorsement of another politician with a history of allegedly assaulting women.”

Published: Feb 10, 2021

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