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Monday, Apr 17 2017

Lying and Lazy Dean Heller Stumbles Badly At His First Town Hall

Apr 17, 2017

After failing to hold a single town hall for months, Senator Dean Heller faced his constituents for the first time at a town hall in Reno. After his 100% record of voting for Trump’s dangerous agenda in the U.S. Senate, Nevadans had a lot of questions for their Senator — and Heller didn’t have a single good answer.

Statement by American Bridge President Jessica Mackler:

“After hiding from his constituents for months, Senator Dean Heller caved to the pressure and held a town hall. But Heller is so completely unable to defend his record, he lied and lied for two hours, even going so far as to pretend to support Planned Parenthood two weeks after voting to block Title X funding for Planned Parenthood. When he couldn’t come up with a lie fast enough, Heller let his buddy and security blanket Rep. Mark Amodei answer the questions.”

“Last week, Heller dismissed town halls as ‘just a box you have to check.’ After Heller’s lying and lazy performance today, Nevadans know exactly how little he looks out for them — and they will hold him accountable next November.”

HIGHLIGHTS: Take a look at the pointed questions and evasive non-answers at Dean Heller’s town hall…

At Dean Heller Town Hall, Audience Chants “Answer the Question”

Mark Amodei Saves Dean Heller From Answering A Question

Dean Heller Lies About His Environmental Record

Mark Amodei Covers For Heller On Trumpcare

Dean Heller Dodges On Answering Question About High Risk Pools

Audience Wants Clear Answers From Dean Heller — And Doesn’t Get Them

Voter Tells a Personal Story About the Affordable Care Act

Dean Heller Answers Questions On Planned Parenthood

Dean Heller Finds Out How Many People Support Planned Parenthood

Nevada Constituent To Dean Heller: Tell Me Why Your Health Is More Important Than Ours

Nevada Constituent To Dean Heller: You Don’t Represent Us

Nevada Constituent Questions Mark Amodei Over Donald Trump’s Weekend Spending

Nevada Constituent To Dean Heller “Empty Your Voicemail”

Mark Amodei: “Dean Doesn’t Get A Word In Edgewise”

Published: Apr 17, 2017

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