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Tuesday, Jan 23 2018

Lou Barletta Defends Meehan As "A Great Legislator"

Jan 23, 2018

As Republicans flee doomed Congressman Pat Meehan — who admitted today to making improper sexual overtures to a Capitol Hill employee — one man is boldly standing by him: Rep. Lou Barletta.

On Chris Stigal’s radio show yesterday, Barletta praised his colleague as “a very good member” and criticized the bipartisan consensus that Meehan should face severe consequences, saying, “We should not just rush off to judgement until we have all of the facts.”

So desperate was Barletta to defend Meehan, he said Pennsylvanians should wait until they have “all the facts” four times

“As disturbing allegations surfaced that Congressman Meehan harassed a staffer and used a taxpayer-funded slush-fund to settle a legal case with her, Lou Barletta went on the radio to defend his colleague and question his accuser’s account. It would be an understatement to say that Lou Barletta is out of step with mainstream Pennsylvania values. He’s just not on Planet Earth,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Barletta on Meehan on 1210 WPHT:

  • “Pat, who I know very well, and who has been a great legislator and is a great legislator, he has denied it….We have to give both sides their due time. “
  • “I know Congressman Meehan very well, and he’s been a very good member of the Pennsylvania delegation….we have to wait until we see all the facts.”
  • “We should not just rush off to judgement until we have all of the facts.”
  • “Everybody should have…the opportunity to have their day, to give their side of the story before we pass judgement.”
  • “I just feel that we should not just rush off to judgement until we have all of the facts, you know.”
  • “Settlement doesn’t always mean guilt.”
  • “We have to wait until we have all the facts.”

Published: Jan 23, 2018

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