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Thursday, Jul 29 2021

Losing BID: Ron Johnson Praises Dough, Then Votes “No”

Jul 29, 2021

Johnson praises bipartisan infrastructure deal, then votes “no” anyway

A politician says one thing and does another — it’s a story as old as time. And in the latest iteration, Ron Johnson is actively working against a bipartisan infrastructure deal that he praised as “good,” then voted against, even though it would positively impact millions of Wisconsinites.

During a tele-town hall ahead of last night’s U.S. Senate procedural vote to advance the bipartisan infrastructure deal (BID), Johnson heaped praise on the BID.


I will give the bipartisan group credit — and they really deserve a fair amount of credit — for limiting this bill to infrastructure. In the end, I don’t think I’m going to vote for this — it sounds like it’s going to pass. So, I will admit that they’ve done something good in limiting infrastructure to true infrastructure, roads, bridges, locks and dams, ports, that type of thing. And look — I’m getting the allocation by state, and it’s definitely sprinkled around, so I don’t have a huge problem that way. So, I give them credit for focusing this bipartisan bill on true infrastructure.”

Less than 60 minutes later, Johnson was on the Senate floor voting against advancing the bill, even though it’s a historic investment in job-creation and communities across Wisconsin and the country that provides for:

  • More than $100 billion for investing in roads, bridges, and major projects;More than $70 billion in modernizing and strengthening our power grids;More than $60 billion in expanding high-speed internet access;More than $20 billion for airport infrastructure, and $17 billion for ports; andMore than $55 billion for providing access to clean drinking water.

“For purely political reasons, Ron Johnson is actively working against a bipartisan infrastructure deal that he admits is good,” said Brad Bainum, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson. “It’s a slap in the face to the Wisconsin families and workers that Johnson has repeatedly failed to represent.”

Published: Jul 29, 2021

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