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Tuesday, Oct 4 2016

Liar, Liar, Pence on Fire. And We Have The Proof On Video.

Oct 04, 2016

Donald Trump’s policies are so dangerous and reckless that Mike Pence’s only defense intonight’s debate was to lie over and over again:

PENCE LIE: Trump never said that more nations should get nuclear weapons.

Trump said it at least three times.

PENCE LIE: Trump hasn’t broken his promise to release his tax returns.

Trump said repeatedly in 2014 and 2015 that he would release his returns if he were to run for President. He still has not released his tax returns.

PENCE LIE: Trump did not say that Vladimir Putin was a better leader than President Obama.

Trump has repeatedly praised Putin, and did indeed say he was a better leader than President Obama.

PENCE LIE: It’s nonsense to say that Trump and Pence are for mass deportation.

Trump has called for a deportation force, and mass deportation is the centerpiece of his immigration “plan.”

PENCE LIE: Donald Trump and Mike Pence wouldn’t punish women for having abortions.

Trump said there has to be “some form of punishment” for women who seek abortions, and later doubled down on that answer when given the chance to clarify.

PENCE LIE: Donald Trump hasn’t said he’s doing business with Russia.

Trump says that he “knows Russia well.”

Published: Oct 4, 2016

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