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Monday, Feb 26 2024

Let’s Stop Pretending Donald Trump Isn’t the Nominee

Feb 26, 2024

This weekend, Donald Trump beat his primary rival Nikki Haley by 20 points in her home state of South Carolina. Even though Haley is committed to staying in the race to at least Super Tuesday, it is clear the Republican Party is set to hand over their presidential nomination to a candidate facing 91 felony charges.

The momentum Haley once enjoyed on the campaign trail faded quickly with each loss – and expedited by her comments on the Civil Warrace, and most recently siding with the Alabama Supreme Court ruling determining frozen embryos as children.

Despite his obvious flaws as a candidate, Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party is nearly complete as he is set to cruise to the nomination in the coming months.

“We’re done pretending there is an actual primary contest happening. Trump tried to overturn an election he knew he lost and four years later the Republican Party is set to reward him with another shot at returning to the White House. The MAGA-fication of the Republican Party is complete and over the next several months we’ll make sure voters know about Trump’s plans to further curtail reproductive rights, destroy Medicare and Social Security, and undermine the institutions that keep democracy strong here and across the globe,” said American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communications Director Brandon Weathersby.

Published: Feb 26, 2024 | Last Modified: Feb 27, 2024

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