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Friday, May 25 2018

LATEST in NV-SEN: Dean Heller Now Facing A Legal Complaint for Campaign Payments to His Son

May 25, 2018

“In Dean Heller and his campaign’s haste to explain away unethical payments to Heller’s son, they’ve backed themselves right into legal trouble,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Dean Heller can’t even seem to orchestrate a coverup right.”

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Dems say work by Dean Heller’s son violates campaign law

By Ramona Giwargis | May 24, 2018

  • “State Democrats are accusing GOP Sen. Dean Heller of failing to report potentially illegal discounted services his campaign received from his son’s music production company.
  • Heller “admitted to receiving ‘a cheap discount’ from Harris Heller for creating content for his campaign, including photos, videos and social media posts. The campaign paid Heller’s son’s production company, Heller Enterprises, $52,500 for its services since 2016. The campaign paid another digital advertising firm more than $50,000 for ads in a single month.
  • “If the price of the services from Heller Enterprises was reduced, federal election law requires it must be reported as an in-kind contribution. Heller’s campaign failed to do so.
  • “And because Heller Enterprises is a limited liability corporation, accepting in-kind donations from it could be illegal because federal candidates are prohibited from accepting corporate contributions.”
  • “The state Democratic Party on Thursday filed a new complaint with the Federal Election Commission.”

Read the full article here.

Published: May 25, 2018

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