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Tuesday, Apr 2 2024

Largest Democratic Oppo Research Organization: Watch a Trump Rally with Us!

Apr 02, 2024

After spending weeks in courtrooms and at Mar-a-Lago because his campaign lacked the cash to host rallies, Trump is back on the campaign trail heading to Michigan and Wisconsin this week.

Before his brief hiatus, Trump’s rally speeches were becoming even more unhinged — if possible — as he repeated Nazi rhetoric, predicted chaos in November if he lost, and repeated false conspiracies about the 2020 election.

Now that Trump is back on the trail, American Bridge, the Democratic Party’s largest opposition research organization, is encouraging voters to watch an entire Trump rally with us online.

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“We watch Trump every day, for hours on end. The clips you see on social media and the soundbites on the evening news can’t do his extremism and wild behavior justice. Trump claims there will be violent riots and terror attacks if he doesn’t win in November – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his unhinged rallies. You have to watch a full speech,” said American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaigns Communications Director, Brandon Weathersby. “If you’re worried about fake news or biased talking heads, check out the source. Don’t let Twitter or TikTok tell you what to think; watch this guy yourself and make up your own mind. You’re not going to get five minutes in without being terrified of the idea of him in office again.”

Watch a Trump rally with American Bridge on April 2nd. Trump’s Michigan rally begins at 2:30 PM (ET). Trump’s Wisconsin rally begins at 6:00 PM (ET).

Published: Apr 2, 2024 | Last Modified: Apr 4, 2024

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