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Monday, Aug 31 2020

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on Trump Defending Kyle Rittenhouse

Aug 31, 2020

Today during Donald Trump’s press briefing, the president refused to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter who murdered two peaceful protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin late last week after traveling across state lines with a rifle. This comes one day before the president is scheduled to travel to Kenosha in spite of the Wisconsin governor’s request that he stay away.

“Donald Trump is fueling chaos and violence thinking it will help his struggling campaign because he has nothing else to run on,” said Kyle Morse, an American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson. “Trump’s sick and twisted political gambit now invites even more violence and heavily armed right-wing radicals to commit similar atrocities. Americans understand that this president — Donald Trump, not Joe Biden — bears responsibility for the escalating violence and they’re not going to be fooled into believing otherwise. They recognize that a second term Trump will bring even more division and danger.”

Published: Aug 31, 2020

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