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Monday, Jul 24 2023

KY AG and GOP Gov Nominee Daniel Cameron Wants to Prosecute Kentuckians Who Get an Abortion Out of State

Jul 24, 2023

In a new report from LEX18, Kentucky Attorney General and GOP Gubernatorial nominee Daniel Cameron continuously emphasized that he would not prosecute “pregnant women” who are seeking an abortion — but left the door wide open to prosecute those who go out of state and receive an abortion. Cameron’s rhetoric and previous actions, including campaigning on defending the state’s near-total abortion ban, makes clear he will target those who leave Kentucky and receive an abortion.

In response, American Bridge spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement:

“It’s disgustingly clear that Daniel Cameron wants to track people’s personal medical choices and prosecute those who go out of state to seek an abortion. His extremist agenda, which includes defending the state’s near total abortion ban, is endangering Kentuckians’ lives.”

Published: Jul 24, 2023 | Last Modified: Jul 25, 2023

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