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Wednesday, Aug 9 2017

Jeff Flake is Paying the Penalty for Standing for Nothing But His Own Political Advancement

Aug 09, 2017

Following news that a top Republican donor and Trump supporter will be spending heavily to defeat Sen. Jeff Flake, American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp made this statement:
“As if Senate Republicans didn’t have enough problems with nasty, self-destructive primaries across the country, a top GOP donor is now declaring war against one of their own. Jeff Flake is paying the penalty for  standing for nothing but his own political advancement. He voted for all of Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees — has voted with the president over 93% of the time in fact — but trashed Trump’s agenda in his new book. You can’t have it both ways, Senator — and this is what happens to politicians who try to be all things to all people.”

Published: Aug 9, 2017

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