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Friday, Jul 24 2015

Jeb's Dismissal Of Black Lives Matter Causes Trouble

Jul 24, 2015

Jeb Bush yesterday dismissed the Black Lives Matter movement with a big eye roll, saying, “It’s a slogan.”

Watch the video here.

Jeb’s characterization and indifference make it abundantly clear: He’s missing the point entirely. Based on yesterday’s coverage, it’s another example of Jeb shooting from the hip and causing trouble for himself.

Read the headlines:

MSNBC: Jeb Bush calls Black Lives Matter a ‘slogan’

Washington Post: Jeb Bush condemns ‘political correctness’ of #BlackLivesMatter protesters

Yahoo News: Bush says O’Malley should not have apologized for saying ‘white lives matter’

Politico: Jeb Bush: Martin O’Malley shouldn’t have apologized for saying ‘all lives matter’

ABC News: Jeb Bush Says No Need to Apologize for ‘All Lives Matter’

MSNBC’s Way Too Early: Jeb Bush: “If he believes white lives matter, which i hope he does, he shouldn’t have apologized to a group that seemed to disagree with it”

KSNV-TV: “Jeb Bush Generating A Little Controversy Over The Statement ‘Black Lives Matter'”

ThinkProgress: Jeb Bush Says No One Should Apologize For Telling Black Activists That ‘All Lives Matter’

CNN: Jeb Bush: No apology necessary for ‘all lives matter’

Bloomberg Politics: Jeb Bush: O’Malley Shouldn’t Have Apologized for ‘All Lives Matter’

The Hill: Bush: O’Malley shouldn’t apologize for saying ‘all lives matter’

Daily Caller: Jeb: O’Malley Shouldn’t Apologize For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

Daily Kos: Jeb—’We’re so uptight and politically correct that we apologize 
for saying (all) lives matter?’

Published: Jul 24, 2015

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