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Wednesday, Mar 25 2015

Jeb Bush pushes to change primary rules, too

Mar 25, 2015

Jeb Bush is now the third Republican to meddle with his state’s election laws to benefit himself, as The Intercept reports. In addition to currying political support from a Republican state rep, Bush coordinated with the Florida legislature to move the 2016 presidential primary so that he would reap a maximum reward from his home state.

From The Intercept:

State Representative Matt Gaetz wrote to Bush on January 2 that he is “concerned that Florida’s current primary date will lead to proportional allocation of delegates” and that a “winner take all” system would be preferable.

“Unless you ask me otherwise, I’ll file legislation to move our primary date back a week,” Gaetz told Bush, who responded to say that his political advisor Sally Bradshaw would give Gaetz a call. “10 4,” Gaetz shot back.

The email exchange had begun with Bush emailing Gaetz, the son of State Senator Don Gaetz, president of the Florida Senate in the previous session. Bush thanked the younger Gaetz for his “willingness to head to Iowa to go door to door,” adding, “Wow, what a generous offer! Happy New Year!”

Marco Rubio and Rand Paul had already been caught influencing their states’ presidential primaries at the expense of their constituents. Now Bush is changing the rules for his own benefit. Which Republican will be next?

Published: Mar 25, 2015

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