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Wednesday, Apr 8 2015

Jeb admits he signed Hispanic voter form without reading it

Apr 08, 2015

SHOT: “They pass laws and say, ‘Trust us, we’ll read it afterwards.'” [3/2/15]

CHASER: “I signed the application for a change of registration and without knowing someone put Hispanic.”


ANCHOR: El ex gobernador de la Florida y primer candidato republican a la presidencia para el 2016 Jeb Bush estuvo de visita en Denver y en un lugar donde sorprendió a los clientes de mi pueblo market en Aurora. Y en cuanto a que en el 2009 su registro de votante aparece como hispano, dio una explicación.

BUSH: Firme la aplicación del cambio de registración, sin saber que alguien puso hispano, yo soy quien soy. Es ridículos pensar que hay un motive menos que un equivocación debo de reconocer de que estábamos hablando en español, estoy casado con una Mexicana, vivido en Venezuela, ella es Mexicana, vivo en Miami, un lugar donde hay mucho hispanos.  No soy hispano, pero si entiendo las necesidades de la comunidad.

English translation:

ANCHOR: The Florida ex-governor and first 2016 Republican presidential candidate Bush visited Denver, in a place where he surprised clients of Mi Pueblo Market in Aurora, and said that he went to look for the Hispanic vote. Taking in mind that his 2009 voters registration appeared as Hispanic, he offered an explanation.

BUSH: I signed the application for a change of registration and without knowing someone put Hispanic. I am who I am. It’s ridiculous to think that there is a motive other than that it was a mistake. I must admit, we are speaking in Spanish, I lived in Venezuela, my wife is Mexican, I live in Miami, a place with many Hispanics. But no, I am not Hispanic, but I understand the necessities of the Hispanic community.

Published: Apr 8, 2015

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