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Tuesday, Mar 15 2016

It’s Trump’s America, And The GOP Is Just Living In It

Mar 15, 2016

We’ve been saying it for months, but even as John Kasich’s win in Ohio prolongs the Republican Party’s agony, their voters are hammering another nail into the GOP establishment’s coffin. As Donald Trump continues to rack up delegates, John Kasich and Ted Cruz are faced with a difficult climb to a contested convention. Tonight it’s clearer than ever: the Republican Party is the Party of Trump.
The Trump Train is hurtling full-speed towards the nomination, and soon enough he’ll have the full support of Kasich and Cruz as both have pledged time and again to support his campaign should he become the nominee.
“The Republican Party stood idly by as Donald Trump hurled offensive comments and hateful rhetoric at women, immigrants, and hardworking families,” said Jessica Mackler, President of American Bridge 21st Century. “Now the GOP is left with a party that stands for xenophobic, hateful, and outlandish policies. With Trump winning primaries across the country tonight, the #nevertrump crowd is well on their way to where we always knew they’d be– backing Donald Trump in a general, with disastrous consequences for the GOP and their candidates up and down the ballot come November.”

Published: Mar 15, 2016

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