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Wednesday, Apr 22 2015

It's not just Christie: GOP Field Would Gut Social Security

Apr 22, 2015

Republican strategists are up in arms, criticizing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for highlighting one of the largest single vulnerabilities for the GOP: their willingness to gut Social Security. Alex Roarty and Scott Bland explain:

When Chris Christie went to New Hampshire to propose the most sweeping set of changes to Social Security in recent memory last week, he set off a rush among top Republican contenders, including Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, to offer their own aggressive plans for the program.

But according to many Republican strategists, Christie’s dive into Social Security did more than that—it pushed the party in a perilous direction ahead of the 2016 election. Because while “entitlement reform” has become part of the Republican platform, Social Security, the strategists say, is a topic still too perilous to touch.

Unfortunately for them, it’s not just Chris Christie that would break the promise to our seniors. Jeb BushMarco RubioScott WalkerLindsey GrahamRand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Rick Perry.

Published: Apr 22, 2015

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