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Thursday, Jun 22 2017

In Iowa, Trump Admits He Doesn't Like "Poor People"

Jun 22, 2017

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah released the following statement on Donald Trump admitting he doesn’t “want a poor person” working with him:

“Trump made billions as a racist slum lord, profiting while screwing over Americans of all stripes to line his own pockets. And as president, he has spent his first first months in office throwing working people under the bus while trying to strip millions of low-income Americans of their health insurance. So while it’s not surprising that he doesn’t want to give a ‘poor person’ a job, it’s still disgusting to hear those words come from the President’s mouth.”

Watch Donald Trump admit it: “I just don’t want a poor person. Does that make sense? Does that make sense? If you insist I’ll do it, but I just like it better this way.”

Published: Jun 22, 2017

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