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Tuesday, Aug 6 2013

Introducing — What's Ken Waiting For?

Aug 06, 2013

10:30am today will mark exactly one week since Gov. Bob McDonnell announced that he would return the gifts he received from Star Scientific CEO Jonnie Williams.

For one week — 168 hours — Ken Cuccinelli has refused to follow McDonnell’s lead and return the tainted gifts he received from Williams. Why? What’s he waiting for?

Cuccinelli said yesterday that “Trust is something that is easy to lose and hard to recover.” He’s right. And until he shows Virginians that he understands that it was wrong for him to accept (and even ask for) THOUSANDS of dollars of gifts from someone who was fighting the state in court, he is not taking a single step toward recovering Virginians’ trust.

Today American Bridge is launching to remind Virginians exactly how long its been since McDonnell made his announcement — and how long Cuccinelli has refused to follow suit. Accompanying the website is a brand new video: Ken Cuccinelli: What’s He Waiting For?

Published: Aug 6, 2013

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