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Wednesday, Apr 18 2012

In VP Search, Will Beth Myers Ask For More Than 2 Years Of Tax Returns?

Apr 18, 2012

In today’s New York Times, Beth Myers said she will use the detailed questionnaire from John McCain’s 2008 vice presidential search as a model for the Romney campaign’s quest for its own VP nominee.

As part of the VP vetting process in 2008, Mitt Romney supplied John McCain’s campaign with 23 years of tax returns. Will Beth Myers ask for a comparable disclosure for Gov. Romney’s potential running mates? If not, why?

If so, why is it that the campaign demands candidates disclose years and years of returns for the #2 slot, yet Gov. Romney will only release a couple of years of taxes on the top of the ticket?

Something doesn’t add up here.

For more information:


NYT: Beth Myers Said She Would Likely Use McCain Campaign Questionnaire As A Model In Search For Romney’s VP Candidate. As reported in the New York Times, “Ms. Myers said she would seek advice from those who had overseen the vice presidential processes for John McCain and George W. Bush — as unorthodox as those searches might have been. Once a preliminary list of names is compiled, she said, she and Mr. Romney will look for insight from within their own orbit —close friends, donors with business expertise and other politicians. Ms. Myers has the advantage of experience. In 2008, Mr. Romney was vetted as a possible running mate by Mr. McCain’s team, a process that Ms. Myers learned from. Mr. Romney, she said, had to fill out a 70-odd-question form, which she will probably use as a model.” [New York Times4/17/12]

Published: Apr 18, 2012

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