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Thursday, Apr 30 2015

If someone ever emails "time for traffic problems," don't respond

Apr 30, 2015

Top Chris Christie crony and former Port Authority political appointee David Wildstein — a figure smack dab in the middle of the Bridgegate scandal that has bludgeoned Christie’s presidential aspirations with a traffic cone — is set to plead guilty to criminal charges as soon as tomorrow. Wildstein is infamous for his “Got it” response to the “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee” email from Christie’s deputy chief of staff, Bridget Ann Kelly. If only he used a carrier pigeon…

The slow drip of news that the federal prosecutor is looking into David Samson’s potential extortion of United Airlines for his “chairman’s flight” means that Christie’s headache is far from over. Wait to see if Christie’s New Jersey approval rating can fall any lower than 38 percent (lowest yet) due to what National Journal described as “endless scandal and economic stagnation back home.”

Check out the brutal headlines for Christie below:

Bloomberg News: Former Christie Ally David Wildstein Set to Plead Guilty  

“Christie denies knowledge of a plot to close two of the three local-access lanes to the world’s busiest bridge, which is run by the Port Authority. If Wildstein pleads guilty and cooperates with prosecutors, he could give them an inside view of how the plot unfolded.”

“Daniel Richman, a Columbia University law professor and former federal prosecutor, said if Wildstein pleads guilty, he is likely to help the government.”

“Zegas has said “evidence exists” that Christie knew of the traffic jams at the time.”

Daily News: The mighty are falling: Former Port Authority bosses David Wildstein and David Samson are getting their comeuppance

“Chris Christie’s one-time hatchetman David Wildstein is reportedly due in federal court soon to fess up. He was the Port Authority bully who shut down traffic to punish a local mayor for insufficient political loyalty. Going down the criminal justice chute couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.”

“No word yet on the fate of “The General,” David Samson, Christie’s former top man at the Port, whose arrogance towered even above Wildstein’s.”

“Wildstein likely won’t be Fishman’s last catch.”

NJ Spotlight: Bridgegate Fall Guy was an Inside Man

“The political operative who helped mastermind the notorious lane closures at the George Washington Bridge — and is now cooperating with a federal investigation of the Bridgegate scandal — had more extensive contact with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s inner circle than the governor has acknowledged.”

“Christie has insisted he had little to do with Wildstein, his former $150,000-a-year appointee at the Port Authority with whom he attended Livingston High School in the 1970s.”

“WNYC’s reporting shows extensive contact between Wildstein and Christie’s top staff, notably the people involved with the governor’s political career.”

“Interviews conducted by the governor’s legal team indicate Wildstein told several of Christie’s closest associates that he spoke with the governor about the lane closures at that Sept. 11 ceremony. Christie has said he has no recollection of the conversation and that such a discussion, if it occurred, would have been of “no moment or import,” because traffic jams are common in New Jersey.”

New York Daily News: Port Authority official involved in Bridgegate will plead guilty to federal charges: report

“Central Bridgegate character David Wildstein is reportedly poised to plead guilty to federal charges this week in the scandal that has put New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential aspirations in a jam.”

“A plea from the one-time Christie pal, a Port Authority appointee, raised questions about Wildstein’s possible cooperation with prosecutors probing the case.”

“Wildstein, 53, was forced to resign his $150,000-a-year executive job as the scandal mushroomed. He’s slated to appear Friday in Newark Federal Court, Bloomberg News reported.”

“The politically motivated lane closures on the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee have cast a pall over Christie’s administration and presidential hopes. Whether Wildstein can damage Christie further is so far unclear.”

New York Times: Call It Coincidence, or Corruption

“Federal prosecutors in New Jersey are also looking into how and why the George Washington Bridge traffic jam was instigated by patronage appointees of Mr. Christie.”

“When Patrick J. Foye, the executive director of the authority, learned that the tie-ups were the result of deliberate lane closings by David Wildstein, an appointee of Mr. Christie, he ordered it brought to an immediate end.”

USA Today:  Report: Ex-Christie ally to plead guilty in bridge probe

“David Wildstein, who allegedly orchestrated the 2013 lane closures at the George Washington Bridge, will reportedly plead guilty to federal charges this week.”

“Wildstein was New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s second-highest ranked staffer at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the fallout from the week of intentional, crippling traffic jams severely damaged Christie’s political aspirations. The reason for the traffic jams remains unclear, but emails have suggested that Wildstein and former Christie Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly were seeking to punish Fort Lee’s mayor.”

Asbury Park Press:  David Wildstein reportedly to plead guilty in GWB probe

“Wildstein was Gov. Chris Christie’s second-highest ranked staffer at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The fallout from the week of intentional, crippling traffic jams severely damaged Christie’s political aspirations.””The reason for the traffic jams remains unclear, but emails have suggested that Wildstein and former Christie Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly were seeking to punish Fort Lee’s mayor for not endorsing Christie in the 1013 election.”

Bloomberg News: The Dinner Proposal That Led United Into Corruption Probe

“Investigators are looking into whether Samson, 75, a longtime Christie ally who’s retiring from the New Jersey law firm that bears his name, abused his public position for private gain. According to people close to the case, prosecutors want to know if Samson gave United preferential treatment on Port Authority business in return for the flight.”

“Criminal charges against some people involved in the bridge lane closings could come as early as this week, according to a person familiar with the inquiry. The case is being closely watched because of its potential to tarnish the Christie administration as he contemplates a presidential run.”

“Samson stepped down from the Port Authority in March 2014, two days after a law firm chosen by Christie exonerated the governor of wrongdoing in the George Washington Bridge scandal. Four days after Samson’s resignation, United ended the chairman’s flight.”

Bloomberg News: Chris Christie Ally David Samson’s Loyalty May Be Tested as Probe Winds Down

“Even as his name is scrubbed from the law firm he co-founded, David Samson’s association with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie can’t be so easily erased.”

“If someone that close to Christie, that intertwined in his gubernatorial life, came out against him and said compromising things, it’s going to be hard for Christie to sustain a viable candidacy,’ said Julian Zelizer,’ a Princeton University professor of history and public affairs.”

Published: Apr 30, 2015

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