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Monday, Apr 22 2024

ICYMI: RFK Jr. Doesn’t Care About Your Reproductive Health

Apr 22, 2024

Post-Roe, millions of Americans are living in states with draconian abortion bans punishing women and their doctors. Turned away from life-saving health care, people are miscarrying in ER lobbies and hospital parking lots. According to an investigation by the Washington Post, RFK Jr.’s campaign doesn’t take the issue as seriously as millions of people across the country working to protect reproductive health. The report comes on the heels of a weekend fundraiser where RFK Jr. said he doesn’t see abortion rights as “existential.

RFK Jr., who once said he’d sign a national abortion ban as president, dismisses abortion care as a “culture war issue” and has few plans to address one of the most important issues facing the country today.

According to the Washington Post’s analysis, Kennedy mentions abortion just twice in the 11 speeches and campaign events that appear on his YouTube page. On X, formerly Twitter, he has eight times as many posts mentioning the word “vaccine” than the word “abortion.”

When reached for comment, a campaign spokesperson said RFK Jr. doesn’t focus on abortion because it is a “divisive issue.” It wasn’t until after their conversation with the Washington Post that the campaign added a new abortion policy page to its website, however, it provides zero insight into how RFK Jr. would resolve the reproductive health chaos at the state level.

“RFK Jr. has been running for president for over a year and just thought to include abortion care rights as an issue page on his campaign website. He clearly doesn’t prioritize the people across the country facing excruciatingly difficult and dangerous decisions concerning their reproductive health each day in a post-Roe world. Not only has he said he’d sign a national abortion ban as president, but he chose a running mate who called IVF procedures ‘one of the biggest lies being told about women’s health.’ We’ve heard this campaign talk about soil more than people’s right to make decisions about their own bodies. It’s clear RFK Jr.’s only priorities are his harmful vaccine conspiracy-fueled grift and padding his own bank account,” said American Bridge 21st Century Presidential Campaign Communications Director, Brandon Weathersby. 

Read the entire Washington Post story here.

Published: Apr 22, 2024 | Last Modified: Apr 29, 2024

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