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Monday, Oct 24 2022

ICYMI: Pence, Scott, DeSantis, Youngkin Decline to Comment on Anti-Semitism in the Republican Party

Oct 24, 2022

According to a recent report from Insider, nearly three dozen top Republicans — including Mike Pence, Rick Scott, Ron DeSantis, and Glenn Youngkin — refused to respond to questions on their resistance to condemn rising levels of anti-semitism in their party. 

Insider sought to find out what’s kept top Republican officials and candidates from denouncing recent antisemitic outbursts by the party’s current idols, but nearly all of them responded to Insider’s inquiry with silence, deflection, and old statements.

In a Yahoo News profile earlier today, American Bridge Presidential Research Director Julie Alderman Boudreau made the following comment about the rising tide of anti-Semitism in the GOP: 

“We put out a statement when [Sen. Marco] Rubio [one of their 2024 targets] said something about how George Soros and the cultural elites were in charge, this antisemitism is becoming out loud and proud. DeSantis was fundraising over fear mongering over George Soros. So this is definitely not limited to Kanye.”

Business Insider: Insider asked 38 Republicans whether they’re concerned about growing anti-Semitic sentiments in their party. Their responses included silence, deflection, and rehashing old statements.

By Warren Rojas | October 22, 2022

Key Points:

  • “Insider reached out to House Republican leaders, GOP senators auditioning for the 2024 presidential race, the Republican National Committee, retired GOP lawmakers, seasoned Republican strategists and former Donald Trump administration officials about this disturbing phenomenon.”

  • “Almost everyone ignored the multiple emails, calls, and text messages asking whatever happened to the cookie-cutter ‘there’s-no-place-for-INSERT DESPICABLE THING-in-the-Republican-party’ statements politicians typically fired off as soon as someone baselessly attacked anyone’s race, religion or ethnicity.”

  • “The sheepishness that prominent and high-ranking party members have displayed by disregarding or openly celebrating entertainer Ye (Kanye West) threatening Jews on social media, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s repeated anti-semitic diatribes, and Trump ordering Jews that don’t support him to ‘get their act together’ underscores how terrified they all are of alienating the most extreme conservatives ahead of the midterms.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Oct 24, 2022

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