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Thursday, Jan 12 2023

ICYMI – MSNBC: AB21 Co-Chair Cecile Richards on House Republican Abortion Vote

Jan 12, 2023

Last night, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Cecile Richards joined MSNBC’s Alex Wagner to discuss the passing of two anti-abortion bills by Republicans in the House, the deception of crisis pregnancy centers, and violence towards abortion providers.

Richards emphasized that now that Republicans are in charge of Congress, they are showing again that their highest priority is to attack women’s health care — even as the flood of women voting against Republicans in the midterm elections clearly demonstrated that this is not what the American people want.


“This is not just the extreme wing of the party, the extreme wing of the party has become the Republican Party,” said Cecile Richards. “The fact that the first week of Congress, this is the priority of the Republican Party after seeing an election in which overwhelmingly candidates were defeated, not just by Democrats, but by independent Republican voters, who said, we do not want a country where politicians are in charge of pregnancy and the most intimate decisions that people make about about their future and about their family.”

Published: Jan 12, 2023

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