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Monday, Apr 27 2015

ICYMI: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Scott Walker, prosecutors trade pointed swipes on John Doe

Apr 27, 2015

Over the weekend, Scott Walker joined the 2016 GOP field in their pilgrimage to Iowa, but leaving his home state didn’t help him escape the John Doe investigation into his 2011 campaign. In a radio interview, Walker took issue with the controversy. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm was quick to hit back at the governor’s reprehensible comments:

In a separate statement, Schmitz said he was surprised Walker would “speak publicly about specific issues which are now before the Wisconsin Supreme Court for a decision.”

“His description of the investigation as a ‘political witch hunt’ is offensive when he knows that the investigation was authorized by a bipartisan group of judges and is directed by a Republican special prosecutor appointed at the request of a bipartisan group of district attorneys,” Schmitz’s statement said.

He called Walker’s comments inaccurate but didn’t detail why.

“I invite the governor to join me in seeking judicial approval to lawfully release information now under seal which would be responsive to the allegations that have been made,” his statement said. “Such information, when lawfully released, will show that these recent allegations are patently false.”

Chisholm said he agreed with Schmitz’s statement.

“Stripped of niceties, Mr. Schmitz is saying the governor is deliberately not telling the truth,” Chisholm’s statement said.

“The truth is always a defense, so let’s get the truth out in a legal manner, not through lies, distortions and misrepresentations.”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Scott Walker, prosecutors trade pointed swipes on John Doe

Published: Apr 27, 2015

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