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Environment Wednesday, May 13 2015

ICYMI: Jeb Backed Yucca Mountain

May 13, 2015

As he campaigns in Nevada, a reminder of Jeb Bush’s record of supporting Yucca Mountain, the latest in a long line of positions that would hurt the same people he wants to vote for him:

During this same period, Bush signed letters opposing interim waste sites, including joining a bipartisan group of 17 governors in 2006 in a letter to Congress that argued it was “a giant step backward for ratepayers in our states and others who have contributed more than $14 billion into the Nuclear Waste Fund.”

What’s more, those emails Bush recently released show he was fully briefed on Yucca Mountain during this time, so he shouldn;t have a reason to study it now…Bush can’t avoid his past on the repository, which was finally approved by a guy with the same last name in the White House.I don’t believe in the sins of the brother being visited on the brother, but Jeb appears to have had the same position as W.

Jeb was once part of nuclear industry group pushing Yucca Mountain

Published: May 13, 2015

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