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Friday, Jun 30 2023

ICYMI: Gov. Steve Bullock Praises President Biden’s Invest in America Tour

Jun 30, 2023

Yesterday, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair, Governor Steve Bullock, joined The Julie Mason Show on Sirius XM to discuss President Biden’s Invest in America tour and the historic investments he’s made in our nation’s critical infrastructure in his first term.


Key Quotes:

  • “First of all, look at what [President Biden is] doing right now, this sort of ‘Invest in America Tour.’ He’s done some pretty incredible things through the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and others. And what it’s doing is mobilizing historic levels of private sector investments in the U.S, it’s bringing manufacturing back to America after offshoring, it’s creating good, new paying jobs, including union jobs, jobs that don’t require a college degree.”
  • “You can look all across the country right now. Pennsylvania, $8.3 billion in federal funding that’s already been announced for 181 infrastructure projects all over Pennsylvania. North Carolina, 690,000 households are able to get affordable high-speed internet programs. $4.5 billion announced for 158 infrastructure projects in North Carolina. Closer to home, $628 million will be spent in Montana for internet connectivity in underserved and unserved communities. And often these are the kind of places that are ignored, and [President Biden’s] investments in them show that he’s going to be a president for all Americans.”
  • “If you want to know what someone is going to do, look at what they’ve done, right? And if you turned around and said in Montana, another example, that $628 million for the internet that’s going to go to underserved and unserved communities, well, the governor might be putting out a press release about it. I think it is important to remind people — ‘Here’s what actually we’ve done that is impacting your life and that is forward looking.’”
  • “What are you going to do on the Republican side right now? What’s a candidate going to say? […] ‘We’re going to impeach Mayorkas, we’re going to make sure no woman actually can make reproductive health decisions for herself, and we’re going to make sure that nobody would ever want to serve on a school board.’ So, I think it will come down to real competing visions both on what kind of country we have and what role the government ought to play in it.”

Published: Jun 30, 2023 | Last Modified: Jul 5, 2023

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