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Monday, Aug 28 2023

ICYMI: AB21 President Pat Dennis on GOP Debate

Aug 28, 2023

This morning, American Bridge 21st Century President Pat Dennis joined the NH Today radio show to discuss the GOP presidential debate last week and Donald Trump’s campaign.

Listen to the full interview here.

Key Quotes:

  • “[Donald Trump] has been around for a long time and I think it would be a huge mistake not to take him seriously. But that said, there’s no denying he’s an extremely weak candidate at this point. He’s the most unpopular politician in America. He is under serious criminal problems and these things are, it’s sad for America honestly, but this is a country where nobody should be above the law.”
  • And I think that ties it back to sort of the failure of the Republicans in this debate where a lot of these folks, especially when asked if they would support him, even if he was convicted of a felony.”
  • “And that is the failure. It’s the moral failure of these folks to sort of believe that somebody who’s popular in their party deserves to be above the law. But also it’s a political failure. It’s a strategy failure. These folks have not been able to sort of excise Donald Trump from their party.”
  • “So there’s nobody there who I think is a particularly effective candidate in the sense that they can’t even get out from under Trump, let alone take us to a general election.”
  • “Well, far be it for me to give the president strategy advice, but I would say number one, he’s great on the stump. He’s really good one on one with folks and people, you know, need to see that because it’s the best contrast for somebody like Trump who’s out there. And Trump’s message right now is basically, ‘I Donald Trump have been mistreated,’ and having Joe Biden out there just being Joe Biden working, talking directly to people, feeling their pain, showing that empathy that is so lacking on the other side is important.”
  • “But really the most important thing for Biden to be doing is being an impactful president, bringing inflation down, they’ve cut it more than in half. And we’ve got a little ways to go but getting the economy going, we have record low unemployment right now, but we got to keep the clean energy transition going.”

Published: Aug 28, 2023 | Last Modified: Sep 5, 2023

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