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Friday, Jul 21 2023

ICYMI: AB21 President on The Great Battlefield Podcast

Jul 21, 2023

“… we’re essentially able to add something that folks on their own or with a small team at a newspaper wouldn’t necessarily be able to do themselves.”

This week, American Bridge 21st Century President Pat Dennis joined The Great Battlefield podcast to talk about the important work of holding Republicans accountable and our role in the 2024 election cycle.

Listen to the whole episode here.

Key Quotes: 

  • “We have resources, we have no deadlines, we have folks who are able to specialize, and we’re essentially able to add something that folks on their own or with a small team at a newspaper wouldn’t necessarily be able to do themselves.”
  • “Democracy works best when people have information on who they’re voting for. And it’s our job to take that information, run it through sources that verify it, folks who make sure things aren’t just pure partisan spin, but things that are real, add it to the ecosystem, and let it influence people’s decisions.”
  • “People still care about [the] truth. People still care about verified facts. And I think you’ve seen that in the way that Trumpian, extremely, at best stretching the truth frequently made up or ad hominem attacks, just aren’t particularly effective. That’s why Trump candidates tend to lose. Trump himself got lucky and won one election and has not won since. And it’s not a sustainable way to run things, so I’m very proud of the work we do. Everything we do stands on its own. And it’s also a ton of fun.”
  • “Historically in oppo research, the research book is like the secret tome and only the most powerful of the consultants get to see it […] Those books are comprehensive. We’ve written research books that are thousands and thousands of pages long. They are not designed to hone in, they’re designed to give you the world of possible attacks on a candidate. We’ve sort of switched it up a little bit. […] We’ve essentially just started taking these, what used to be internal research projects, and making them public a lot of the time.”

Published: Jul 21, 2023 | Last Modified: Jul 25, 2023

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