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Monday, May 1 2023

ICYMI: AB21 Co-Chair Sec. Tom Perez on MSNBC to Talk President Biden’s Re-Election Campaign

May 01, 2023

Yesterday, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair, Secretary Tom Perez, appeared on MSNBC’s American Voices with Alicia Menendez to discuss what’s at stake if we elect a Republican president in 2024. Republicans are fighting to roll back our freedoms, ban abortion nationwide, and protect the gun lobby instead of American lives, which is why we must re-elect President Biden next November.


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  • “The right of a woman to make decisions about her own body, that freedom has been taken away by Republicans. And they want to go further. The loved ones in Texas — you have no freedom if you’re not alive. If you can’t exercise your right to vote, you don’t have freedom.”

  • “When Republicans had control, they took away a woman’s right to choose. They help rich people get more tax cuts. They’ve made America less safe by failing to act on gun safety.”

  • “Young people are showing up because they know that President Biden and Democrats care about climate change. They care about common sense gun safety. They care about college affordability, and they care about protecting our freedoms. And that is what we have to do.”

  • “It’s not just up to Joe Biden to communicate these messages. We all have to be out there, which is why at American Bridge, we’re already on the air talking about what Joe Biden has done and talking about what MAGA Republicans could do to our freedoms if they were to get back in power at the White House.”

Published: May 1, 2023

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