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Monday, Jun 27 2011

Huffington Post: Todd Akin: 'At The Heart Of Liberalism Is Really A Hatred Of God'

Jun 27, 2011

On June 27, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) is drawing fire for claiming a “hatred of God” informs liberal beliefs.

The comments, first reported by liberal website Right Wing Watch, came during a radio interview with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins last week, as Akin and Perkins discussed NBC’s decision to remove the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance aired during its coverage of the U.S. Open Championship.

From their conversation:

Akin: This was something that was done systematically, it was done intentionally, and is tremendously corrosive in terms of all of the values and everything that’s made America unique and such a special nation.Perkins: Why would NBC do this?

Akin: Well, I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God. And so they’ve had a long history of not being at all favorable toward many of things that have been such a blessing to our country.

Click here to read the entire article.

Published: Jun 27, 2011

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