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Friday, Nov 18 2011

Huffington Post: Scott Brown Held Bank Of America Stock While Advocating For Big Banks

Nov 18, 2011

On November 17, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) positioned himself as a clean-government advocate this week, co-sponsoring the STOCK Act, which is designed to halt insider trading-like activity by members of Congress.

But Brown’s financial disclosure records show that he has been a large investor in Bank of America, GE and Exxon-Mobil throughout his time in the Senate — even as he secured lucrative legislative protections for the nation’s biggest banks, trading houses and oil companies.

What’s more, under Brown’s new good-government legislation, this type of activity would still be permitted…

Read the full article here

Published: Nov 18, 2011

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