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Monday, Jan 18 2016

Here Are The 6 Sitting Lawmakers That Opposed MLK Day, 5 Are Up For Re-Election

Jan 18, 2016

Today, we remember and honor Martin Luther King, Jr., but there are still six sitting lawmakers that voted against creating a federal holiday in his memory: Sen. John McCain, Sen. Chuck Grassley, Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Orrin Hatch, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, and Rep. Hal Rogers.

Shocker: they’re all Republicans. While Donald Trump may have finally taken the GOP’s divisive rhetoric out of the shadows, the party has a long history of supporting discriminatory policies.

McCain, Grassley, Shelby, Sensenbrenner, and Rogers all face re-election this year.

Read more here

Published: Jan 18, 2016

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