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Thursday, Jun 29 2017 When Will Dean Heller Face Nevadans on Trumpcare?

Jun 29, 2017

Heller Fundraises With Trump But It’s Been Over 2 Months Since He Held a Public Event
After the Senate Trumpcare release and delayed vote, Senators are heading home for a week-long recess. And where is Dean Heller? He’s backtracking on his announcement he’d oppose Trumpcare and negotiating the bill behind closed doors with Donald Trump.

But Heller won’t be hearing from Nevadans. In fact, it’s been more than two months since Heller has held any public events to talk with his constituents. You can see for yourself how long it has been since Heller last listened to Nevadans at

Of course, Heller was able to make time last night to fundraise with Donald Trump. Watch the video of Heller attending Trump’s first 2020 fundraiser here.

“Heller has time to fundraise with Trump, but not enough to hear from Nevadans about their health care. But it’s not surprising that Dean Heller is hiding from the people he’s supposed to represent — he’s working to get to yes on a bill that would kick tens of thousands of Nevadans off their healthcare,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Nevadans deserve answers and they’ll hold Dean Heller accountable for putting partisan politics ahead of them.”

Published: Jun 29, 2017

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