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Sunday, Oct 9 2011

Helena IR: Rehberg in the thick of budget fray

Oct 09, 2011

On October 9, 2012 the Helena Independent Record reported:

As he oversees U.S. House Republicans’ draft of the federal government’s 2012 health and education budgets, Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg finds himself hip-deep in the Washington, D.C., political fray, defending a $153 billion plan that’s drawing fire from all sides.

The proposal — unveiled last week — would torpedo virtually all funding for the Obama Administration’s health reform law, including additional money for community health clinics across Montana; ax federal money for two dozen family planning clinics in the state; reduce funds for Pell grants that help low-income students pay college tuition; and scale back money for home-heating assistance.

Those and other cutbacks have prompted Democrats to say the “Rehberg budget” unduly targets women, families, students and workers.

Click here to read the full article.

Published: Oct 9, 2011

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