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Wednesday, Oct 26 2016

Heck And Trump: From "Completely Supporting" To Secretly Completely Supporting

Oct 26, 2016

If the Trump endorsement was too hot, and the disavowal was too cold, Joe Heck is hoping his latest strategy of “I’m not telling” is just right to placate and dupe Nevada voters. But whatever strategy he attempts, Heck can’t shake his months-long embrace of Donald Trump.

Despite his desperate effort to distance himself from Trump (but not too far) two weeks from Election Day, nothing changes the fact that Heck “looked past” Donald Trump’s hateful comments–including Trump’s constant attacks on women, vilification of a Gold Star family, and suggestions that veterans who suffer from PTSD aren’t mentally strong.  Heck was able to “look past” Trump’s portrayal of Mexicans as rapist and criminals, his call to ban all Muslims from the country, and his nonchalant approach to nuclear proliferation for the majority of their respective campaigns. Heck punched his ticket for the Trump Train long ago and that’s a ride you can’t simply walk away from. 

Heck’s latest position on Trump is more meaningless political posturing from an arrogant Washington insider who doesn’t think voters deserve to know who he’s supporting for the highest office in the land. Nevada voters haven’t forgotten Heck’s “complete support” of Trump, and his trust in Trump to control the nation’s nuclear arsenal, and won’t be fooled by his desperate “I-won’t-tell-you” dodge.  

Watch Heck’s latest Trump position here:

Published: Oct 26, 2016

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