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Saturday, Feb 6 2016

GOP Tax Plans Make Mitt Romney Look Moderate

Feb 06, 2016

The 2016 Republican field has done something we once thought impossible: make Mitt Romney’s tax plan look moderate. GOP tax plans have always favored the wealthiest Americans, but this year, candidates are taking that to a new extreme.
Just how skewed to the rich are the GOP plans?
  • Ted Cruz is pushing a regressive flat-tax plan that would increase tax rates for the middle class, while giving a huge break to the rich — increasing their after-tax income by nearly 30%.
While Republicans tell stories of their humble beginnings — “my father was a bartender”; or, “my grandmother came to America with nothing but the clothes on her back” — they’re proposing tax policies that would benefit billionaires and millionaires like the Koch brothers and leave middle and working-class Americans far behind.

Published: Feb 6, 2016

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