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Thursday, Jul 16 2015

GOP Rep. Disses NRCC For Supporting Gay Candidates

Jul 16, 2015

A New Jersey congressman’s reason for not paying dues to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is raising some eyebrows. Politico reports Rep. Scott Garrett won’t cut a check because he says the NRCC recruits and supports gay candidates.

That’s right. Rep. Garrett thinks the Grand Old Party is too supportive of gay candidates to get his cash. He might want to check the record, though: Republican policies on LGBT equality speak for themselves.  Just this week Republicans killed a bill to protect LGBT students from being harassed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


He’s not just wrong on the policy, either– Garrett might have just screwed his politics. Scott Garrrett’s seat is listed as competitive by The Cook Political Report, and when Politico asked NRCC Chair Greg Walden about supporting Garrett’s re-election effort, Walden indicated he prefers supporting Republicans that pay their dues.

Published: Jul 16, 2015

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