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Saturday, Feb 6 2016

GOP Presidential Field Fails To Offer Real Solutions To New Hampshire’s Growing Drug Crisis

Feb 06, 2016

Heroin and opioid abuse has become a crisis across the country – and the problem has become especially acute in New Hampshire. But Granite Staters who were looking for leadership from the GOP on combating drug abuse and addiction are sure to leave tonight’s debate disappointed.

Both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz voted against an amendment that would have put $17.5 billion toward helping people recover from drug addiction and substance abuse, as well as an amendment that would have increased the federal government’s efforts to combat substance abuse by requiring health care pans to cover more than one addiction treatment drug.

More recently, Cruz has adopted Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant, hateful, and ultimately inadequate solution to the growing drug epidemic: building a wall along the southern border.

With records like these, it’s no wonder that the GOP field was light on specifics tonight. They’ve made it clear that they’re not willing to work to combat the growing drug epidemic that remains a major issue on the minds of Granite State voters.

Published: Feb 6, 2016

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