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Wednesday, May 3 2017

GOP MELTDOWN: GOP Frontrunner for PA Governor Assaults American Bridge Tracker

May 03, 2017

Things just keep getting worse for the Republican Party. Yesterday, the Republican frontrunner for governor (both in poll numbers and in fundraising) revealed just how unhinged he truly is when he assaulted an American Bridge tracker and stole his camera. As reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer, state Senator Wagner said, “You’re about to see your senator in action,” before approaching the tracker, a Pennsylvania resident, and taking his camera. Wagner then approached the tracker a second time and physically assaulted him.

[See video here and full footage below]

“If Scott Wagner can’t handle the pressure of the campaign trail, what makes him think he can handle leading the state of Pennsylvania?” said Lizzy Price, American Bridge spokeswoman. “Assault is not acceptable. Period. What’s his plan for leading the state? Beat everyone up?”

See links to full footage below.

Link to camera footage (FULL Scott Wagner speech)

Link to iphone footage (FULL Cell phone footage when Scott Wagner takes the camera, rips it apart, and hits tracker)

Published: May 3, 2017

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