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Thursday, Nov 19 2015

GOP Frontrunners Compare Refugees To Dogs, Call For National Registry Of American Muslims

Nov 19, 2015

Consensus front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination Donald Trump’s ready to look “very closely” at forcing American Muslims to register in a national database and carry faith-based identification cards. When asked by Yahoo News whether he might consider such legally-mandated marginalization, Trump said: “We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely…We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

Meanwhile, not to be left out, second-place Ben Carson’s out there likening Syrian refugees to “rabid dogs.”  And it wasn’t just a passing reference. Carson dished out an absurdly offensive, 95-second extended metaphor about “mad dogs,” “rabid dogs,” and “screening mechanisms that allow us to know who the mad dogs are.”

Trump and Carson are leading in the polls because they aren’t afraid to dish out the racist and xenophobic red meat the GOP base craves. And so long as Trump and Carson keep it coming, Rubio, Bush, and the other candidates continue to be forced to engage with a far-right and out-of-touch GOP base.

Published: Nov 19, 2015

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