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Monday, Jun 12 2017

Getting to "Yes": Heller Admits He Supports Ending Medicaid Expansion

Jun 12, 2017

Heller Flips on His Promise and His Only Condition to Supporting Trumpcare

Dean Heller promised that he would not “pull the rug out from under states like Nevada that expanded Medicaid” — but he told a closed-door meeting that he was determined to “get to a yes” and support Trumpcare. 

He got to “yes.”

Just how devastating is Dean Heller’s decision to support ending Medicaid expansion? It jeopardizes the health care of over 200,000 Nevadans.

It’s so devastating that after Heller told Capitol Hill reporters this, his office spent 24 hours trying furiously to backpedal, before finally admitting the truth: Dean Heller supports ripping health care away from Nevadans.

Just as bad, Heller could be giving Senate Republicans the vote they need to pass Trumpcare. The Hill calls Heller’s support for the Senate bill “critically” important, and Vox reports that “[t]heir plan would, like the bill the House passed in May, almost certainly cause millions of low-income Americans to lose coverage by ending the Medicaid expansion.”

“Dean Heller has finally admitted what Nevadans knew all along: he supports ending Medicaid expansion and gutting health care for hundreds of thousands of Nevadans. That’s why he’s voted over 20 times to repeal and undermine the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion. And that’s why Nevadans know they can’t trust Dean Heller to look out for them,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Published: Jun 12, 2017

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