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Tuesday, Mar 15 2016

Florida Man Loses Florida, Man

Mar 15, 2016

Sad! The polls are closed and Florida Senator Marco Rubio just lost his home state.

Rubio had ice water dumped on his South Carolina and Nevada “firewalls.” But never the types to temper expectations, Rubio and his campaign have in the weeks since insisted that he would get things back on track tonight in Florida.

Out of options, Team Marco set up tonight’s primary as his last stand, pleading us to believe that their promised 99-delegate win would get him back on track to win the nomination. After winning just 1 delegate in last Tuesday’s primaries he needed that — and more.

Instead: nothing.

Just a week ago Rubio claimed, “I believe with all my heart that the winner of the Florida primary next Tuesday will be the Republican nominee.”

We trust he’ll be calling Donald Trump within the hour to congratulate him and let the frontrunner know he’s now team #EventuallyTrump.

And before Rubio starts arguing he’s somehow still in contention, remember he also said this: “You can’t be the Republican nominee if you don’t win Florida.”

It’s over.

Rubio Advisor Todd Harris: “Media needs to chill…We are going to win Florida. Period. Take it to the bank.”

Marco Rubio: “You can’t be the Republican nominee if you don’t win Florida.”

Marco Rubio: “We’ll win in Florida.”

Marco Rubio: “I think if Donald Trump wins Florida, then it starts looking like maybe you can’t stop him.”

Marco Rubio Communications Director Alex Conant: “We’re going to win Florida…There’s no doubt.”

Marco Rubio: “I believe with all my heart that the winner of the Florida primary next Tuesday will be the Republican nominee.”

Politico: Florida GOP voters to Rubio: Drop out if you lose on Tuesday

Published: Mar 15, 2016

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